Why Appoint Us?

Why appoint HS Trustees?

  • We are competitive on cost and can even agree with you a “performance related” fee if required.
  • Whether an independent or Sole trustee role, we remove the need for, and difficulty of, finding both member-nominated trustees (MNT’s) and employer nominated trustees (ENT’s).
  • Ever-growing complexity of pension issues places significant burdens on the time of lay trustees – there is a training and knowledge (TKU) requirement on all trustees, be they independent, member or employer nominated. As a specialist independent trustee company, we provide Accredited Professional Pension Trustees who must pass exams and meet continuous professional development standards.
  • Traditional trustees may find it difficult to agree on matters, causing delays in the decision-making process. Whilst there are some extremely effective trustee boards, a professional independent like HS Trustees can ease internal tensions and help the decision-making process. This can in some cases reduce costs and take advantage of opportunities.
  • Speeding up the decision-making process. For traditional trustees, the trustee meeting can be the only opportunity to make decisions. As a professional trustee company we will help to manage the scheme and assist the Board in making decisions outside of the normal meetings cycle. There is still the need for some formal meetings, but these become more of a strategic forum with the sponsor looking at the long-term strategy of the scheme. We embrace new technologies such as Pension Pal (app based) to speed up decisions.
  • Removing conflicts of interests. Trustees who are employed by the sponsor, member-nominated or employer-nominated, have an inherent conflict where the individual may be a member of the scheme and making decisions which would affect their own benefit entitlement. Such trustees may also feel conflicted where the scheme is a defined benefit arrangement with a deficit and a negotiation with the sponsor on how it is to meet the deficit is required. An independent trustee or sole trustee will be completely independent from the sponsor so will not have these same conflicts.
  • In some cases the sole trustee option can free up time of existing lay trustees to concentrate on the sponsor's business.

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